The West Medford Community Center provides a variety of programs for all ages.
- Senior Lunch, Exercise, Advocacy and Health Programs
- Performing Arts
- Classes in Dance, Music, and Singing
- Community Forums on issues of Concern
- Community Service Projects with High School Students
- After School Programs for Middle School Aged Children
- Technology Lab
- “Meet Your Neighbor” Gatherings and Celebrations
- Gathering of other Community Organizations and Coalitions
Meeting Room Facilities:
Hold your next event, party or meeting at the Community Center! Our brand new, large meeting hall can accommodate up to 85 people and we have a modern, commercial kitchen.
Board of Directors
Malinda Reagan, President
David Kilpatrick, Vice President
Brian Collins, Treasurer
Michael Bergman
Phillip Davis
Rachel Tanner Emeritus
Executive Director
Lisa Crossman
The Mission of the West Medford Community Center is to connect the diverse people of West Medford and the wider Mystic River Valley region through social, educational, cultural, health and recreational activities. For over sixty years the West Medford Community Center has provided opportunities for individuals and families to gather, learn from each other, grow and celebrate together.
This is what makes West Medford Community Center unique, the belief we belong to each other and that we are stronger, healthier, and more complete when we can come together.
While programs and events for children, teens, and adults continue to fill our calnedar, the magic lies not in our programs but in our people.
Our goal is to support this idea of “community” — that intangible quality where people know they belong and that others have their interest at heart. To do this, we provide opportunities for folks from different generations, races, ethnic backgrounds, religions, economic status, or any other arbitrary divisions to come together, learn from each other, and experience this idea of “community.”
While the demographics of Medford are changing, the need to feel a part of a community remains.